Sunday, March 15, 2009

Beautiful, Beautiful

It has been an amazing February/March...

We are terribly dry here in South Florida, but the weather
has been beautiful...Just enough breeze to make it
wonderful to sit outside under the oaks...
in my hammock swing!

The birds are in concert - flocks of cardinals (unafraid
to come up and eat off the porch beside us),
doves cooing in pairs,
little finches way up in the tree tops
(we call them tweety birds),
blue jays, and even a few woodpeckers!

I am in love with room is evidence of that
with the fabrics i have and the purchases of more
and more....I am also in love with the makers of
the same on their stories...
To raise animals using their fleeces to produce
the most amazing products.
I am going to be in deep trouble if i can find a way
to use these in a new and wonderful way....

Recently became a follower of
Larkspur Funny Farm & Fiber Arts Studio...
a great article about how her life has lead her to this
point is found at her blog

....I love the silk, the colors, the raw fibers.....
the animals....

Now back to creating....

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