Each new year seems a little more difficult to ease into...
routines...journeys...changes...regroup and begin again.
The last two months of every year are the most time
consuming at my job...everything has to revolve around
the difficult time schedule and the changes in eating,
sleeping and creating! My children always had the worst
Christmas season just because mom was not able to eat,
sleep and participate...it became a way to make thanksgiving
more important and i believe that was a good thing.
Getting back to creating as i enjoy is taking longer each
year...recoup time! But a new grandson this last year needing
a quilt...pushed me to this...
I love bold colors especially for children...and this grouping
really spoke to me. The fun monkeys and bugs just made
for a really nice boys drag-a-round size quilt. My biggest
thing is to build the design around tradition type styles but
i don't usually use a pattern...just an idea.

The quilts usually
go along pretty good until i have to build the final by adding
and adding to the separate groups i have created...and most
of the time that means a couple of trips back to the fabric store
to supplement the stash.

Most of the blocks were similar so i started turning them..
realizing that the quilt was not to be displayed but played
with and used from every side - there would not be a
directional quality to the quilt.

simply using floss...something that would last during washings....

quilted from the front around the blocks...trying to keep the
areas blocked and stable...maybe should have been more
but really haven't been able to keep at it long enough
to heavily quilt.

majority of his blankets, bedding, burp cloths and the
backing of the quilt kept the theme going...just used a
bit on the front to complete the panels. The edging was
just plain cotton bias from the store...in a deep brown.

did Kobe and his family.